Colonia Penal, Alojamiento Campos Christo
Belo Horizonte - Minas Gerais - Brazil - July 1971
Passages from the book of John Tytell:
"The Living Theatre, art, exile and outrage".
From the book of Carlos Granés:
"La invención del Paraiso: El Living Theatre y el Arte de la Audacia"
"The Invention of Paradise: The Living Theatre and The Art of Audacity".
El Decreto de la Expulsion
Brasilia - Brazil (1971)
Revista Veja
Sao Paulo - Brazil (1971)
La Prensa
Lima-Peru (1971)
Exiled in USA - New York - California
Vicente Segura arriving to San Francisco from New York.
California 1971
Back to Perú - Cuzco residence
Vicente Segura first year in Cuzco - Perú
California 1971
Back to Perú - Cuzco residence
Vicente Segura first year in Cuzco - Perú
California 1971