Interview to Vicente Segura, held by Haki Sebastian from the Rhein Main TV on June 13, 2005 - in Radio X, Frankfurt/Main / Germany.
Q.- Vicente, in your thesis “The revolutionary turn to the left of Latin America” you suggest that there is a new wind of political changes in Latin America, can you explain me please what is happening there?
A.- Sure. Well, yes is truth that Latin-American is passing through a very important stage of political evolution that responds to the social dynamic of the times. The Latin people are experiencing a great discontent since the last decade when neoliberals / pro Americans governments start to install all the instruments and mechanism to deregulate the economy and adapted to the so called globalization. As you know, the prescription of this model economy was designed by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, so they dictate reforms that involves the non intervention of the governments in the flow of foreign capitals, forcing the privatizing of the national proprieties of the public sector, in which the big foreign corporations swallows the small national companies, etc.
The result was massive unemployment, polarization of the social classes, the small economic elite (the 1% of the people) become extremely rich and the great majority (99% of the people) becomes very, very poor. The thing is that the problem of Latin America is not coming just from a decade ago, but from five centuries ago, when the Spanish imperialistic kingdom invade, occupied an colonize the lands of the native people of the whole continent. In the last 300 years, that imperialism was replaced by a new imperialism reincarnated in the United States. The aspirations of this new imperialism were to absorb and digest all those fragmented and divided pieces of nations and linked as a nexus for the Great America. With this historic burden in the back, is how the Latin people come up with the idea to say “Basta Ya” (enough is enough) This is why the correlation of political consciousness of Latin America is changing very strongly and radically to vindicate their historical rights of their lands, to reclaim their natural resources, to recover their dignity, sovereignty and claim for independence and freedom.
Q.- How the governments -or the people- are handling to consolidate this historical vindication?
A.- Well, let’s say, the general political tendency in Latin America is going to the left. The political interest now is focused mainly on social, indigenous and environmental issues to solve the problem of the great majority of the population affected very strongly by the free market economy of the globalization. But, by left I don’t mean communism. I think there is a new global redefinition of the term “LEFT”. And by “left” generally today you can understand all those groups who work for the social economy and not for the individual capitalist system. In this “new left” are also included environmentalist groups, human right groups, anarchist groups, indigenous groups and other Non Governmental Organizations who are organizing themselves world wide for a better world and against the economic political model of the globalization that is causing much suffering, injustice and inequality in the whole world.
So, in Latin America, the tendency of this left wing groups, are to organize and mobilize the existing social groups, especially the indigenous groups as ideology base for their re-vindication. There are different degrees, forms and intensity of left political thinking and manifestations, but all of them have a common denominator. Their struggle efforts are mostly focused in solving a 5 century old problem of the native people of the continent. The struggle of the people vary from country to country and the old and new left leaders are depicting images of their own ancestors, invoquing to their own liberators, freedom fighters or revolutionary’s, for example: Tupac Amaru in Peru, Tupaq Qatari in Bolivia, Lampiao in Brasil, Sandino in Nicaragua, Marti in Cuba, Zapata in Mexico, Bolivar in Venezuela and Colombia, etc, and naturally Che Guevara and Sub-Commandante Marcos for all Latin America. The people likes to honour their local heroes, who mostly were Indians, mestizos or criollos, and were fighting against the Spanish occupiers long before Marx, Lenin, or Mao.
Q.- Are those left groups or those new left governments Marxist, Leninist, Maoist or not necessarily?
A.- Well, communism is not fashionable any longer in the Latin American sphere and is not the main ideological stream -or expression- to attain their political goals. If, well, in the 60´and 70´s the radical groups were inspired and fighting openly under the cover of the Historic Materialism of Marx, today this is not the case. Pure communism is not in the agenda of the Latin America project. I think they don’t want to follow any model of society in which they will see themselves ideologically conquered or alienated by a system that doesn’t enclose in their time-space reality. Of course, still there some communist party’s around, or guerrilla groups (as the FARC in Colombia), but, the tendency is not to rely exclusively on a Marxist-Leninist or Maoist theory´s or to apply this ideology in their political agenda.
They want to be free of dogmatism and come to the very basic of the problem, let´s say, to a pure local proto-socialism. They are trying to compress and remix different ideologies that can be applied to their local reality here and now. Basically they are looking for their proto social system as was the Tawantinsuyo in the Incas times in Southamerica (Mayas or Aztec’s), but combined with modern components of our times, including global thinking with local actions. In principle the Latin American people prefer to come down to their historical and cultural roots, because it is a question of survival. I think they don’t want to fall in another trap of orthodoxy or ideological imperialism, except, if responds to their actual need.
The left wing political spectrum in Latin America vary between moderates, radicals and extremists. Moderastes are centre-left (as in Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Equador) and radical left-wing are as in Bolivia, Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua. The extreme left goups are represented by social groups, activists groups and guerrilla groups. Lets say, in one side, the ones who believe that social changes can happen in a democracy, and the ones who believes that armed struggle is the only solution for liberation. There are political revolutionary fronts and armed revolutionary fronts, but both sides are working together for the historic vindication of Latin America. They want to change the society through their own perception and not through the perception of the western world.
As vanguard they share the same visions and their common denominator is to socialize the economy and adjusted to their own reality. So I can say that the people are in the search of a genuine political leadership who could work for the interest of the great majority of indigenous people of America and protect their natural resources and sovereignty. The people believe that improving the public institutions is freeing the institutions of corrupted administrators, so changing the leaderships can be the only way to be heard and improve their social status, education and health.
Q.- How poor is Latin-American?
A.-Latino America is a troubled continent for centuries. They are suffering disgrace after disgrace as a never ending cycle of capitulation and resignation. Roughly speaking, 90% of the population is poor. 50% of the population suffer malnutrition. They practically survive (superviven). They are so, so poor, that they cannot cover their basic needs of nourishment, health, housing, education and work. 30% of lives under this percentage are almost starving. According to socio-economic researchers, mostly all Latin American countries have the most unequal distribution of revenues in the world.
The poor population take less than 5% of national revenue while 10% of the rich population hold back in reserve 50% or more from the national revenue….The level of distribution of incomes is the most unequal in the world… In Latin America there is more than 200 million people living under the level of poorness and starvation. It is not to believe. Unemployment is rising to more than 20 % of the population. Child mortality has risen. 95 from a 1000 child’s are dying in Bolivia, Haiti, Peru, Ecuador, Guatemala and Mexico. The growing number of tuberculosis and malaria in some countries are alarming. Many countries are not paying attention and not pumping money in the field of health and education. Many governments didn’t exercise their duty in the field of education and health to the people; they rather offer this duty to private entities.
The medical attention services are been merchandized and privatized as well as the education in which there is many privates school centres or “Academias” who function only and exclusively for profit -as the teacher itself- and for the rich, making the social situation worse. There is much drop outs and desertions in the schools, as consequence of their economical conditions, malnutrition, or because the children must work to help the family or to survive itself. That means the public services are been commercialized. Poverty and starvation becomes a chronic disease that affects to the great majority of the people. Under this condition of abandonment and forgetfulness of the indigenous people of Latin American, re-emerge old rebeld traditions against any kind of colonialism. This great majority of the population in Latin America are indigenous people, living in the coast, Andes and raiforest, but living in a feudal condition. Actually there is no reason for this people being poor and starve, because their lands are very rich with good soil and natural resources.
Q.- So you mean that their political leaders were not doing a good job all those decades?
A.-This governments are not exercising properly their duty, that means, their work for the people. They cheat their own people and work as executives for the Foreign governments and Multinationals. All those pro American governments who works for the benefit of the financial powers and particularly for the United States of America are just pushing the people to a great anti American mobilization. They are just radicalizing those movements and giving the right justification for revolt or revolution. These governments are just kind of businessman or proxies managers who are corrupted, supported and financed by United States to protect their common interest and maintain their economic, social and racial class in the same old order.
They work at remote control following all the instructions from Washington. This greediness in one side and the permanent suffering of the people in other side is what frustrate and disappoint them. This all situation is creating a condition to produce subversion, or let’s say, conditions for a revolution. And this is what is really happening in Latin America after hundreds of years of oppression and domination of western colonialism.
Q.- But, I hear that Latin American Nations are very rich in natural resources, so all they need is just to exploit and control those resources by themselves.
A.-Yes, is truth. The Latin American nations actually are not poor in their floor. The population is actually poor because of exploitation and the bad administration of their resources, as I said before, but actually they are seated in a bank of gold. These nations had great natural resources as gas, oil, litio, gold, silver, cooper, zinc etc, plus, great conditions of life as forests and fauna. For example Peru is 4 times bigger than Germany and there are only 33 million of Inhabitants. They are actually starving in paradise. This is the unfairness of the political leaders and this is the paradox. The people are been exploited for centuries by westerners. This was and still ”El Dorado” for many rich nations. This was the place for the “Gold Rush” and I wonder if there is something left for the people. The problem was the interventions and intimidations of the superpowers for years. What happens now is that the people are fed up with this traditional political party’s that mostly are conservatives, neoliberals, right wing and pro-western leadership.
Q.- So, what the people are doing politically to change the traditional and conservative view of those pro western political parties? They have an alternative?
A.- Well, actually the people are organizing themselves in groups of interest, from peasants, to mine workers, people without lands (los sin tierra), indigenous people, workers syndicates, etc, They are organizing groups of resistence and producing social movements all over the Latin continent, mobilisations promoted by extremist and radical sectors, producing a chain reaction of social conflicts, from Chiapas to Tierra del Fuego. They manifest openly their discontent against governments who are puppets of the United States trough massive protest in the streets with indefinite general strikes, and they are able to paralyze the country in the way to be heard their demands. You have to see their historic and cultural background of this people to understand their revolt. They are socially excluded for centuries. The so called “free market economy” in the globalization (which is just the modern version of the capitalism of the 18 hundred century), was just the top of the iceberg for this people. Neoliberalism was just the extension of this old economic, social and racial model of oppression that they had always suffered.
Q.-So you are trying to say the globalization had affected greatly the quality of life of the people?
A.-You see? In the last 25 years, Neoliberalism hade caused extreme poverty, diseases and accelerating the mortality of children in the Latin continent of America; and this could not continued like this forever and cant not be tolerated. From the human aspect something has to be done. You cannot leave the things as they are if doesn’t function. So what is happening in Bolivia right now, is a political maturity of the people and organization. The efforts of the indigenous people of Bolivia to defend, recover and nationalize their natural gas and other resources is been widely justified as a political correctness, because this is their national patrimony and inheritance that they wanted for themselves and not for the transnational corporations. Bolivia is the poorest country in South America and they should benefit from their natural resources. The poor Indians are living in less than 2 dollars per day. The Bolivians are pressing the congress to get rid of Carlos Mesa the actual president. There is rumours of a military coup in which the generals and colonels are pressing Mesa to resign, following instructions of the will of the people.
Q.-So, what you are trying to say is that there is a change of guard in the political arena in South America?
A.- Absolutely. And in a very democratic manner. Sometimes happens from down to up and in other cases from up to down. The victory in Brasil of Luis Ignacio da Silva or Lula from O Partido dos Trabalhadores, Tabaré Vasquez from el Frente Amplio of Uruguay, plus, Kirscner in Argentina, Lagos in Chile, Chavez in Venezuela, plus the replacement of Sanches de Lozada for Carlos Mesa in Bolivia, and the removal of Lucio Gutierrez, replaced by Alfredo Palacios in Ecuador, etc, etc, shows, the disenchantment sweeping after of more than a decade of free market reforms. Also shows the announcement of new winds of change in South America. These changes are happening in an atmosphere of clean rule of game, respecting the jurisdiction frame of democracy.This phenomenon is happening all over Latin America. Each one with their own particular local flair, in a different form and degree.
In Ecuador two months ago the congress decide to dismiss the president Lucio Gutierrez from power, there was much pressure of demonstrations in the street. The mobilization was very successful that Gutierrez has to resign. The motto of the demonstrators was “Quito despertó y ahora no nos para nadie” "Quito have waked up and now nobody can stop us”. In Nicaragua, the president Enrrique Bolaños has been striped of many powers by the congress and judiciary that is controlled by the left wing Sandinists. The uprising of the people of Chiapas through the Frente Zapatista de Liberacion Nacional leaded by sub-commandante Marcos it’s a total successful coup of fresh ideas and inspiring for the other social and ethnical movements in development. This was a very legendary intervention of the indigenous re-vindication.
The previous crucial point for this movement was the commemoration of the 500 years of “El Descbrimiento de America” a commemoration highly criticized in which they questioned very much the role of Cristobal Colon, Hernan Cortés, Francisco Pizarro, etc., depicting them as the first depredator and plunder in the history of humanity, which ends up in genocide. This was not the encounter of two cultures but the imposition and domination of one culture over the other.
The multinationals and foreign investors are not satisfying the protester of all Latin American countries at all. The thing is that with the globalization the local governments cannot exercise control over the capitals and foreign investment, so, the state cannot assert full control over their national propriety. This is why the people are demanding a new leadership that can supervise and regulate the excesses of the multinationals and the excesses of foreign interventions (particularly the United State) in the internal affairs of the Latin Americans nations. And this is legitimate.
Q.- It seems as if Latin America is engaged in forming something as an Latino Economic Block. Do you think that would be easy and feasible? Do you think they will succeed having a hostile neighbour as the USA who consider those Latin nations their backyard?
A.- Yes, I think that Latin America is more ripe than the Europeans countries for Regional Integration, because of their historical, cultural and linguistic background. They have the condition and the common denominator. This would be less difficult for the Latins than the European Union, since the countries are more homogeneous and they share the same identity.
The interesting phenomenon is that the left wing governments of America Latina acquire much experience in the last few decades and have the capability and the knowledge to rule. And they play a fair and clear inside the frame of the international law and respect. They are engaged in forming a mechanism to make real this regional integration. There is much diplomatic activity between some Latin American countries and they meet frequently in summit conferences to talk about Latino American issues and problems. The countries of the so called “El Mercado Andino” the Andean Market group as Peru, Bolivia Ecuador, plus Brazil and Venezuela are activating a free trade group that took form some weeks ago in Cuzco-Peru called South American Community of Nations, integrated by Bolivia, Peru Ecuador, Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay Paraguay y Chile, plus Guyana and Surinam. This concept was inspired in the European Union. Later this block was called UNASUR and after, Prosur.
The object of this community of Nations is to foster a politically economically and infrastructural integration to counterbalance the USA supremacy in the region. This will create an economic block for bargaining position for the pending trade negociations with USA and EU. This treaty will strength the region and will integrate more than 360 million of people. These move comes after the MERCOSUR (Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Chile) and of the Andean Community Union (Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador and Colombia) (The initiative is welcome and the integration will be more feasible than the EU since there is a common language, cultural and history. But, first they need to consolidate and stabilize their local social programme, politically.
Q.- Which projects the United States were proposing to the Latinos? Are those projects beneficial for the people or are programs to maintain their domination and assert the hegemony in the region?
A.- The free trade project that the United States is pretending to put in effect in the South of the continent is called Acuerdo de Libre Comercio para las Americas (ALCA), in English: Free Trade Agreement for the Americas (FTAA). But the ALCA (FTAA) is very strongly criticized, because of the lack of reciprocity. USA is demanding an open market for their products, while maintains a protectionist policy against the exportations of the South lands countries. Hugo Chavez, once he say: "ALCA, al carajo" (FTAA, Fuck it)
Then, they come up with the NAFTA the North American Free Trade Agreement, Mexico Canada and USA, (including Chile, to stretch their long arm). Now, just last month ago, they come up with el Tratado de Libre Comercio (Centro America Centre America Free Trade Treaty) in which Abel Pacheco from Costa Rica, Antonio Saca from Salvador, Oscar Berger from Guatemala, Ricardo Maduro from Honduras. Enrique Bolano Nicaragua and Leonel Perundos, all right win presidents elected with the endorsement of USA.
After the Summit and agreement in May, Bush says to the presents presidents. “Que Dios los Bendiga” “God Bless You” (impersonating the Pope). For the United States this would means, they will rise their exportation in less that 2,000 millions of Dollars, which is not so much. But the move have more of politics than economic. Anyway, this shows how notorious is that they wanted to swallow latin America or at least assert their influence.
Q.- Also Cuba and Venezuela agree to form another parallel block that have a future to extend in the Latin American?
A.- Yes, Venezuela and Cuba are forming an alliance and free trade zone to exchange resources and capitals. While Cuba sends thousands of doctors and teachers to Venezuela´s poorest part of their society, for health care and alphabetization program in education, Venezuela are pumping 53,000 barrels of oil from Venezuela to stabilize the Cuban economy. This is a mechanism no to dependent any longer in the western market orientation.
They are also found a genuine alliance called ALBA that is designed for the acceptance of the neighbors countries. ALBA means Alternativa Bolivariana para las Americas, a counter proposal against the ALCA (Acuerdo de Libre Comercio de las Americas) Free trade Agreement for the Americas, which is an American project with the exclusive aim for financial profit. So Chavez and Castro said ironically “ALCA, al Carajo” to deactivate the American concept. Now, Cuba is fully involved in the Bolivarian Revolution with Chavez and there is 1,000 millions dollars in exchange and
Q:- Can you tell me, please, a little bit, about the project of Hugo Chavez in Venezuela. I think he is the most radical president of South America. Which resonance have in the international arena and how effective is his program to the society?
A.- Yes, Hugo Chavez is a phenomenon. He is the most radical presidents elected democratically by the free will of the people. And as usual the opposition of Venezuela is been financed and advised by USA to confuse the popular opinion, but the last referendum Chavez has called –after the opposition attempt military push that failed - was a defeat for both: USA and the opposition of oligarchs.
This show how democratically, how clean the people are plying politics and in the same times how dirty and how manipulative the US is playing their politics. It show also how urgently the people of south America needs new brave leadership as Chavez. The people would say “We need leaders “With Cojones” and not for the passarela of the Hall of Fame.
With Hugo Chavez the economy has improved 5 times more than with the other conservative-liberal presidents, and was very noticeable after he was elected in1998.
Venezuela, with Hugo Chavez in the head, is materializing a very interesting social programme in which he involve existing social groups to a full participation of the state benefits. This social integration is taking place from Up to Down, lets say from the ruling class to the people which is something the people in general is expecting. For example, part of the money of the Petrol-Dollars is distributed cash for the old and retired, for the poor people, for the sick people, for the children for health and for education.
I think this is a correct social distribution of the wealth. The wealth of the petroleum property is actually the sources that belong collectively to the Venezuelan people so they have the right to stand for their sovereignty. The majority of the population are very happy, including the poorest, who were discriminated for centuries.
The Chavez project have a future in Latin America and it tend to expand, because represent a model with very serious options. Also he is able to unify the extreme moderates to the extreme radical of the left spectrum of Latin America. The radical position of Chavez is generating enthusiasm to other neighbours countries as Evo morales in Bolivia, the Frente Farabunto Marti para la Liberacion Nacional (old guerrilla group today the main left wing party of El Salvador, to the Sandinistas of Nicaragua, etc.
The thing is that Chavez is occupied himself with something that no Latin politicians occupied since centuries. Hugo Chavez calls this social movement a Bolivarian Revolution, so Venezuela is not any more Venezuela but the “Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela”. Hugo Chavez is projecting and recalling the dream of Simon Bolivar a continental revolutionary of the 18 hundreds whose vision was that all Latino American countries should integrate since they have a Common Denominator as is the language, the continental geography, the race and the history.
Q.- Why this big discontent it manifest now and not before?
A.- Well I think there were a permanent discontent in the whole continent, but the turning point for this radical change was when the so called globalization was putted into effect and as a consequence there was economical catastrophes here and there. It seems as if this sub continental social programmes and revolutions are taking the shape of a strong social economical block to deal with the problematic of globalization. You have to see that by the time globalization appear, the people were already revolted because of the never ending cycles of one crisis after another. So the globalization was just a catalyser. The integration of the region in one economic block is an strategic policy to counteract against the globalization of the United States, Europe, Japan, etc..
Q.-what means this kind of revolution after revolution going on in Latin America and what implications will have for the United States?
A.- Well, first of all, is clear that the United States is loosing prestige, credibility and leadership in the hemisphere. The United States are loosing their influence in this part of the continent after hundred years masterminding the region. Why?, well, nobody trust them any longer and the Latin people and honest politicians cannot rely in such a power that manipulate and abuse in the bilateral or multilateral negotiations in the summits. They always ended up unilateral. In every international summit conferences the United States don’t make agreements with other countries when they see no benefit or profit.. They rather try the tangential way and avoid the multilateral quality of the conferences to avoid been defeated. So they made their own private meeting with other countries to apply bilateral negotiations that in the end becomes unilateral. So is clear that by now they suffer a crisis of credibility not only in Latin American countries, but in the world. They are cultivating anti-Americanism themselves. The aggressive image they project to the world is coming back as a boomerang. Their rhetoric’s and policy’s are of a very doubtful content.
Q.- USA still have some friends in the Latin Hemisphere?
A.-Actually they are very lonely in the continent. They have only few friend around. In South America they have the Peruvian Alejandro Toledo (neoliberal centre) and in Colombia , Uribe (neoliberal right wing government) with whom they made a a kind of strategic alliance. In Colombia they are building up a military presence presuming that there will be a new Axis of Evil particularly the alliance are forming Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro. In Cuba they are financing opposition groups that coincide with the politics of USA. They are exercising internal aggression to justify an spiral of external aggression. scalate The US is sponsoring paramilitary forces (as the do with the Contras in Nicaragua) as the last dish for conflict. The Plan Colombia, is a very dangerous policy that will burst a conflagration.
As usual this military enterprise they are planning, is disguised as “War on Drugs”, but is the preparation for a new big conflagration against the Latin American resistence and other radical groups, and in this particular case Colombia is the FARC (Frente Armada Revolucionaria de Colombia) By now, after the 11 of September and the “War on Terror”, the United States is accusing and blaming any resister who don’t follow their rule as “Terrorist” This is a very dangerous development and is becoming very totalitarian and fascistic, lets say a planetary dictatorship.
Anyone who resists the deliberated intromission of the USA in their internal affairs are putted in the box of terror. Actually they are too optimistic because the resistence in Iraq are getting clever. They are winning experience and confidence. But if USA is defeated in Iraq them their imperialistic dreams will be over. According to prognosis they are risking an imminent defeat. They have done with Iraq, the same as they have done with Panama. Dismissing Noriega, and in Chile with Allende but the results for the USA in Iraq were catastrophic. This was the crucial point to loose credibility not only politically but also militarily. There was much lies and disillusion, illegality and illegitimacy. Anyway with the phenomena going on Latin America I can say that we are assisting a debacle of the United States of America as hegemonic superpower in this part of the Hemisphere. So lets see it.
Q.- How do you think Washington seen themselves loosing influence in this part of the Latin hemisphere that they consider their courtyard. Are they worrying much or what?
A.-Yes, this is a headache for Washington. But they are the ones to be blamed. If the loose the influence there is because there is a lack of credibility and trust. They have a very bad image there and anti-Americanism is not new. The USA interventionism has a long history in Latin America. They were manipulating and designing new governments at their will. They were always dividing the nations -in the sense to control better- with bilateral agreements and sometimes unilaterally. For example, in the beginning of the last century they amputate Panama from Colombia to construct the channel and control the hemisphere. They installed dictators and financing Contras, or paramilitars or terrorist to sabotage the country and create chaos and economical and political instability. There is a whole historic background
Q.- You mean that USA is creating a new axis of aggression in South America?
A.- They are interested in create a new conflagration to boost their industry of weapons of mass destruction something they want to tested in every new conflict. They are expending billions of dollars in this war and this goes in the bill of the taxes of the people. The Americans are coping the tactics and strategy of Che Guevaras theory of the focus, installing bases in Colombia. They talk about freedom as if they were encharge to distribute freedom to the world. Their political rhetoric is as if they were send by god to save the earth from evil. So I think this is very crazy.
The destabilizing campaing of USA is been intensified against Venezuela, Cuba (of course), Bolivia, Ecuador to make prevail their rule of game and terms (they are doing this for centuries)..... For example they start to speculate the overwhelming victory of Hugo Chavez in the last referendum of Agost 2003 as iligitimate. They are putting in question democracy itself. But they don’t question the military putsch they financed and supported to dismiss Chavez from power. They aid the opposition to produce a pro American government, as the do in Cuba with Batista, and as they do before with Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, Chile, Peru and other countries in the world.
They start with the rethoric for example that Venezuela is a “dark force” in Sud America and that is a destabilizing influence. Venezuela is a headache for Washington as is Cuba, but now they have more to worry because the whole political equation in Sud America are turning to the left democratically and elected directly by the people. The big mobilizations of indigenous and social groups are waking up massively against privatization and free market economy, manifestations directed against the United States.
They wanted to manufacture a crisis in which they can intervene in a military putsch themselves and protect their interest with Colombia and their “Plan Colombia”. They argument that the buying of armament of Venezuela for their defence will follow in the hands of terrorist or that cuba is producing biological weapons or so. They wanted to produce fears and insecurity to the people. This overpowering unilateral politic of Washington wanted to avoid the freedom of this people to reduce their dependence on USA. They say: “how can we are not going to worry of what´s happen next in our hemisphere?” as if that part of the hemisphere is their courtyard.